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How To Get Rid of Acne Fast at Home Naturally?

Use Lemon juice as a natural cleaner and exfoliator.

Squeeze a lemon juice into a container and add a few drops of rose water. Then, use cotton and apply gently on your acne spots.

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Slice a piece of aloe vera, scoop out the gel inside, and put it on your acne area.

Aloe vera gel helps to fight bacteria and soothe inflammation.

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Honey is another way to get rid of acne fast at home.

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Put the honey on your acne. Leave it to dry for an hour or so before washing it off.

Apply one teaspoon of turmeric and a few drops of rose water to your skin and wash it off after it dries.

Tea tree oil is also nature’s helper for making your skin get rid of acne and blemishes!

Brew a cup of green tea, let it cool down, & then dab it onto your face with a cotton.

Mix some oatmeal with water to make a paste, then gently massage it onto your face in circular motions. Rinse it off with warm water.